Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Kappa Rho Omega
(Farmville Chapter)
Serving Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Cumberland, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward

Chapter President
Valarie Harris
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ® was founded January 15, 1908 on the campus of Howard University, in Washington, D.C. 16 college-educated women, led by our founder and Ivy Beyond the Wall Ethel Hedgemon (Lyle), came together with the purpose of providing a place of togetherness and support for black women navigating the largely uncharted territory of higher education. Then, on January 29, 1913, led by Ivy Beyond the Wall Nellie May Quander, four members of the sorority led the charge to have the organization incorporated to ensure its longevity for years to come.
As Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.’s ® original founders traveled and moved across the nation, so too did the interest in becoming affiliated with such an eclectic group of women. We now have chapters worldwide. The Kappa Rho Omega Chapter was chartered in Central Virginia March 6, 1976 under the leadership of the 8th Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Janet J. Ballard and the 19th International President Bernice L. Sumlin. Our members currently reside in Amelia, Charlotte, Buckingham, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. We come together monthly to discuss the business of the sorority. Then, during our various committee meetings and sisterly relations activities we strategize for how to best impact our various communities.
"By Culture and By Merit "